Thursday, July 23, 2009

Roaches and Mold - Oh My!

Two disgusting things you are not supposed to complain about in New Orleans: Roaches and Mold.
They're both everywhere and there's evidently nothing anyone can do about it.

Leigh's fear of roaches is out of control ridiculous. I mean, yes it sucks when you're walking down the street at night and they're scurrying along, over your toes sometimes (I've found that wearing heels makes my feet much less accessible than flat shoes) but it's all part of living here. Sure they can survive a nuclear holocaust, but it's only a roach.

My fear, however, is of mold. This fear was just confirmed in a very big way. I've been noticing a damp, stale smell when I walk by our A/C unit. Leigh has no sense of smell so it doesn't bother her. Tonight I was in handy man mode and decided to take the face off of the unit and look inside. MOLD EVERYWHERE. Oh yes. I did my best to clean it out but ended up inhaling quite a bit.

Not to sound like a hypochondriac (I totally am) but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to die now. Just thought I'd let you know.

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